Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Listening to: Shiki no Uta( Song of the fours Seasons) from Samurai Champloo OST
After having a lovely 10 hours of sleep, well-moisturised and full, I think I'm almost ready to take on anything. *Big smile falls to reveal tired groan*
But...just not ECONOMICS! Argh...it seems that one way or the other, I can't quite escape maths.
Anyhow, just wanted to quickly note down a couple of interesting stuff that happened during the last few days. Went shopping at Bugis with my cousin and Justin, and we happen to stop at The Body Shop. My cousin went ahead to browse about, while I was left to stare wistfully at the Moonflower fragrance collection. Justin was curious, so I sprayed abit of the body spray on him. Lolx...and thats where the fun begins. It kinda went like this:
Justin: Cannot really smell the scent. *Takes the Eau de Toilette and sprays under his neck*
Me: The Eau de Toilette should be stronger. *sprays more of the body spray on his shirt*
Justin: Aiyah! I didn't ask you to spray so much on me! *sniff-sniff*
Me: Ah well, its a FREE tester right? * looks about to check if the coast is clear; said salesgirl was busy. Grabs the Body spray and proceeds to spritz the poor guy down like a raving lunatic*
Justin: !!!!! *followed by more panicked sniffing*
Naturally, after the whole fiasco, all of us hurried ly left the shop for fear that the Body Shop people would catch
whiff of our daring escapade. (pun totally intended, haha) So while my cousin and I ended up with nothing, at least someone came out of it smelling as pretty as a flower. I think I nearly broke my jaw from laughing so hard. :)
So hat have we learned so far?
1) Moonflower is indeed a really nice scent, might get it in the near future.
2) Never go shopping with me, lest you want to end up like poor Justin...haha
3)Body Shop is very generous; their half-filled tester was left only a quarter full in the end, courtesy of yours truly.
4) That was just too much fun, will be going back to for seconds.
*EVil crackling....*
9:17 AM
Who needs love?
Friday, April 22, 2005
LIstening to:Tuscany (from Neverland) by Suzanne Ciani
Ahh..just got home from an arduous trip to Clementi; more specifically, to Justin's house. The guy's rich let me tell you that. Basic Economics today was just plain boring; I had to struggle to keep my eyes open. Miss Peggy was just droning on the last few hours...sigh. Just an interesting sidenote...noticed that both Marketing Management and Basic Econs have, I noticed, terms that carry sexual inneundos. I dunno if its just me or what, but the text book keeps saying that (I quote)
to delight the customers, and satisfy theirs needs and wants." -plain ack!
All women like things small." -Mr Lee, my MM lecturer was giving an example on marketing trends. Could not stop giggling to myself for almost an hour.
Yeah...also there's small joy. The Pasar Malam is at Simei area, and I know that means a nice long period of: sweaty bodies jostling, frustrations arising just cos you can't make your way thru a cramped walk way, and getting even more pissed when the thing you were eyeing was snapped up right before you. But to me, it only means one thing...
HAPPY! I can buy tasty deep fried Chicken wings! :) :) :)
KFC cannot even compare with the yumminess that is the PMC. (Pasarmalamchicken)
Omg...I just saw the latest episode of Smallville. Lois lane looks like a skank, so unlike her later working persona. The ending was so sad, they were playing "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne as they zoomed into Chloey's sad face as she watched the insufferable flirting between Clark and Lois. WTF, I still think C/C is still more compatible. Hey, a girl can always dream....*pouts* Glad to see that perhaps that this season carries hopefully, a stronger plot than focusing along the lines of Clark-saves-damsel-in-distress-from-freak-of-the-week. AM totally looking forward to the next week...
I think I'm getting too high on carbos; shall end here.
7:07 PM
Who needs love?
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Listening to: Numb by Linkin Park
No, I still don't feel any different as I felt the day before. Today was pretty rush in class, the lecturer was kinda rushing thru the chapter, so I foresee that I might be facing some problems in "Business planning". It also didn't help that my good friend Justin, was so down and came to class with plasters all over him. Apparently, he had been to the doctor's for a anti-biotics and morphine jab. The freaking air-con was so damn cold too; its like entering a mini- North Pole everyday, but wat the heck. AM shagged from staring at transparencys for the last three hours too.
Got scolded once more by the mum yesterday, and my spirits sank to a new low. In the midst of it all, I surprising did two gothic sketches that I'm pretty proud of. Am wondering if I should post it up here or something.
However, was really glad that Janice was so sweet to accompany me to Pasir Ris beach yesterday. Ok, we didn't exactly made it there, sorta gave up the idea as we were walking there. It was fucking hot for crying out loud! Damn the ozone layer and the villians who destroy it. Buggers. We did however, enjoy a fulfilling 2 hours at the arcade (I seem to find myself there pretty often these days. hmm...) One thing that I learned that day was that I will NEVER ever attempt the Para Para Freestyle mode. We failed every stage with the greatest of ease, let me tell you. So much for trying new stuff in the name of curiosity...I think I'd not. *sheepish laughter*
ANyhow...thanks Jan for being there when I really needed to talk. Hope you get into the Design course that you desire. Shall go and angst in my dark cosy lair for now.
5:51 PM
Who needs love?
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Listening to: Nobody's home by Avril Lavigne
Changed my blog template at last, think this pretty much describes my mood now. I feel so god-damn frustrated, I just wanna drown in booze or just let it all out in a scream. Today's only the second day I started classes at MDIS, and I already feel so fucked up. I wonder if things would be better if I never existed in the first place. Perhaps God made a mistake by putting me here on earth, cos everything I do always seem like a big stupid move.
I made tons of great frens in class, and the lecturers were real nice, albeit the constant flow of spastic jokes. Then yesterday my family was thrown in chaos when my mom and dad had the biggest quarrel, and the best part of it? I think it was all my fault. No,I'm not trying to go all heroic on this and take the whole blame, but it was literally my fault. I made my mom pissed at me for making to much noise when I was cooking dinner, she grounded me from eating.
Out of the blue, dad suddenly yelled so loud at her, and shoved her away. His eyes, i remembered were wild, almost to the extent of getting aggresive and hysterical. After much yelling, he lost his temper and broke one of the wooden stools. Not the flimsy type, but the one that had actually thinck layer of solid wood. I was so scared I just stood there in a daze, sobbing like a damn moron. If it wasn't because of me, this wouldnt have happened.
And because of that, I didn't really concentrate on the Marketing Management lesson today. I feel so guilty, I think I'll stay away from everyone for the time being to spare them from any misfortune.
"She's lost inside...."
I'm so tired...
3:41 PM
Who needs love?
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Aww...family pic of Shinsengumi. Cheese!
4:06 AM
Who needs love?
Listening to: 1000 Oceans by Tori Amos
Yah....temporary lease of freedom from the maternal parental unit! Such an opportunity comes only onces in a blue moon, so naturally, I grabbed it. Am currently suffering from a mild headache, but pretty placated nonetheless.
Went shopping with my cousin at Bugis, trying to spot bargain buys. I guess it just wasn't my day,so no new additions to my wardrobe. A girl can only dream of better days (and better clothes), when it is her wallet that is limiting her inner mojo (otherwise generally known as the ever-repressed Shopping Spree Spirit. Every girl has one) I did however, get a set of blank CDs for Jas to burn Gravitation for me, and this really cool manga about the Shinsengumi. Imagine; another mangaka for the Shinsengumi besides Peacemaker Kurogane?! There is a God...and speaking of PMK, I saw vol 6 in Kinokuniya just the other day. :) I shall try to wait patiently for the Chinese version to hit Singapore...
Keyword: TRY.
Am sooo broke from spending so much on stuff that I'm almost afraid to see my ATM reciept. *Groans*, such are the worries of a adolescent girl. Oh I almost forgot, I saw the Shinsengumi outer haori at Takashimaya! I being the drama queen that I was, squealed so loud that I'm pretty much sure that the whole level heard me. But wat the heck...the sad thing was that it was bought off RIGHT infront of me by another GIRL. Its a conspiracy, i tell you! How many girls like PMK stuff as much as me? (coughJaslyncough) I highly doubt that she even knew what the Shinsengumi was, probably tot it be a pretty lil frock to go with the rest of her mis-matched garments. Arggh...ok, wave of murderous jealousy has passed. My obsessions have attained a new level, me thinks. I mean, just the other day I bought 5 posters for $13!
Acck! But hell, the Hellsing and Saiyuki ones were so beautiful that I just couldn't resist. I'm weak, I'll admit.
'Oh sadness is upon me, I cry with unspoken tears': WHY must Pip Bernardette (from Hellsing) die?! What is Seras supposed to do now? How is Hellsing gonna survive? More importantly..how is my life gonna go on? :( And as if that isn't bad enough, I have a huge pimple the size of Brazil on my nose. Maybe listening to my new CD (Joss Stone:Mind, Body and Soul) would help cure the pain a little...
God bless the good and smart people who brought Taiwan-imported Cds,they're so affordable and they' re authentic too. ^^
I shall now go sulk in my dark little corner.
2:33 AM
Who needs love?